Glimmer of Gold

I’ve been a bit bored lately with my wardrobe of capsule items: basic black cashmere sweater, black turtleneck, cream wool sweater, etc.
I’m a big advocate for all that (and they’re capsule for a reason!) but sometimes I like to seek out something a bit trendier to add to the mix.

This sweater or jumper (when in England…) was found at an ideal time. I had actually just purchased a very basic, cream cable-knit sweater only minutes before. I tried this on and exchanged the cable-knit (lovely as it was) impulsively and I’m definitely glad I did.  For someone as indecisive as me, who hums and haws over the tiniest of things, to make a flash decision like that was pretty good!

The colour is different, yet close enough to your basic brown to be workable with the vast majority of clothing. It’s made even more unique by the little glimmer of metallic gold threading.
Perfect to throw on over a dress or some jeans and a nice change from the classic v-necks I generally succumb to, it’s my new go-to piece.