Malteasers Taster


I remember seeing this cake plastered all over Pinterest and many other sites for a long time now. I always knew I wanted to make it but needed the right occasion to do so. It’s not the sort of thing I tend to indulge in like I used to and baking like this has become a bit of a one off. This cake definitely felt a bit more special and needed the appropriate timing for it to be made. I mean, it’s a lot of cake and a very rich chocolatey cake at that. And what better timing to debut this cake than for someone else?

Enter my mother-in-law’s recent birthday. She adores Malteasers and never fails to receive numerous boxes around the holidays so this cake was an obvious choice. Aptly named “Let Them Eat Cake, Cake” by Lorraine Pascale, this cake is chocolatey, dense, and fudgy. It was the ideal birthday cake: adorned with Malteasers and an all around show-stopper.

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